Wednesday, February 11, 2009

We're Off

Today's the day. We leave at nine to drive into Seattle, are due to show up at the hospital at eleven.

Geo had a remarkably good day yesterday, with the pain at quite a managable level all day. I think I know why.


In response to an email I sent out yesterday, asking for light, for prayers, for blessings for Geo and for his surgeon, you emailed us dozens and dozens of good wishes, prayers and blessings. Messages arrived from friends near and far. From New York, Los Angeles, Milan, and Athens. From down the block, here in Port Townsend. They flowed into my inbox all day and into the evening.

And as I said, Geo barely noticed any pain yesterday. "Why do you think?" I asked him.

"No idea, but I'm not complaining," he replied.

So I handed him my laptop last night and told him to read his email. Sixty some messages full of love, hope and compassion. "No wonder I'm feeling good," was his response, "and now I'm feeling even better."

Right here is where we cue Bette Midler singing 'Wind Beneath My Wings'.

We're doing well this morning as we get ready to head for Seattle and surgery. We are grateful. We are hopeful. We are at peace.

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